Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mikaila - Mikaila (2001)

Mikaila was just another of the many female teen pop tarts, like previous postees Myra and Amanda, that followed in the wake of the pop bulldozer that was Britney Spears. But none had enough vocal personality, presence or sex appeal to eclipse Brit, except Christina Aguilera, and that was no doubt due to her powerful pipes. Mikaila has a nice enough voice and was backed with production by pop giants like StarGate and BAG & Arnthor, both of whom had great success in Britain producing pop songs for groups like S Club 7, Five, and Mis-teeq, and in the US on more hip-hoppish songs by the likes of J. Lo. Rihanna, Mya and Nelly. Her music is definitely pop with a hip hop edge, perhaps a bit more R&B than her peers, but not by much. She had one semi-hit with her first single, "So In Love With Two", which reached number 25 on the Billboard 100 (and has some awesome freestyle mixes). But no hits followed, and like most of her peers, she disappeared as quickly as she had appeared, and with little fanfare. She has recorded nothing of note since, though die-hard fans should track down the gospel album she recorded five years earlier, titled This Little Light and released using her full name Mikaila Enriquez. There are also a couple fan sites out there should you really need more Mikaila. ;)

Video for So In Love With Two

Download Mikaila

So In Love With Two
Straight To My Face
Forever, For Always, For You
Talkin' 'Bout Me
It's All Up To You
Perfect World
My Dream Is Gone
My Heaven
Because Of You
My Heart Can't Let You Go


  1. I was JUST thinking about Mikaila and wanted to do a post about her on my blog! I remember her video used to come on Nickelodeon a lot, and there was big push at the time to get kids to watch videos on Nick so they could transition to MTV. That video was highly sexual for a 14-year-old though...do you see the come-on looks during the split-screens?

  2. So In Love With Two is such a jam! Absolutely love it :)

  3. I like Mikaila. She's got such an amazing voice. It's too bad she didn't release another album after this. I hope she comes out with another album again soon.

  4. i love your blog! omg, Mikaila. Is it shameful to admit that I've seen her in concert?!!?! She opened for Britney Spears' very first tour, if I recall....

  5. It's odd that only one song was a hit, most of the album is REALLY good.

  6. i wish i could meet her...i loved this album and my fav song is my dream is gone.....the lyrics are so good and this album is very well written and produced...i enjoy this CD and thank you soooo much for the download link....i just wish i could meet/talk to her :(

  7. Hey NastyG i have a question do you know were i can get svala the real me album??

  8. Hey could you put up the link again to download the album? this takes me back, i loved this album but can't find my original CD.

    1. Hi. The link is still there and in working order. ;)

  9. Thanks so much for the download link. I've been looking for a free HQ version for a long time.lol THANK YOU!!!

  10. Will you please post a link to the Japanese Version? I love the song "You Tell Me".

    1. Awweh...Well..Would you consider or think about buying it off this website http://www.discogs.com/Mikaila-Mikaila/release/797176 and uploading that song, it would mean the world to me if I could hear that song again man! I looked everywhere!

    2. LOL, why don't you buy it then? To be honest, I'm not that big of a Mikaila fan. ;)

    3. I would if I could :C but I can't.

  11. Here's "You Tell Me" (produced by Stargate) and "The Art of Letting Go," the two Japanese bonus tracks:

    You Tell Me

    The Art of Letting Go


  12. I discovered Mikaila's Facebook page under the name "Mikaila Enriquez." From what I could see, she is engaged and it looks like she has a daughter.

  13. (continued)
    It also says that Mikaila attended high school in Glendale, Arizona and worked at Lucky Brand in Indianapolis, Indiana.

  14. could u plz fix the link i can't download her album,thanks

  15. That YT upload of the Video is gone now. All that is on YT now is a very low quality version, and one that's actually remix of the songs yet doesn't clarify that in the title.
