Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sulk - Only You (2000)

Okay, kids, here's an interesting one for you. Sulk was Canadian duo Sherrie Lea Laird and Blair O'Halloran. After unsatisfying stints with other bands, the two hooked up to pursue their shared love of pop music. They apparently released a self-titled album (I say apparently as I've never seen it) that garnered some critical praise. They soon hooked up with Hi-Bias records and Nick Fiorucci, the same label and producer responsible for previous postee Oval Emotion. While Hi-Bias was primarily a dance label, Sulk were more pop rock, but with a very electronic undertone. The album was basically a repackaging of their debut, and they had some success with the dance mixes of "Only You". Soon after, their song "Anyway" was remixed and released, but it was attributed to Sherrie Lea as a solo act. In 2005 she released her solo album, which is full on dance music (and may be featured here in the future). Sherrie had international dance chart success with her remake of Sade's "No Ordinary Love" and continues as a solo act, though Sulk does have a Myspace page which seems to indicate that they may reform as a duo. But the truly interesting part of this story is that Sherrie has had a book written about her, claiming that she is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe! It's called Marilyn Monroe Returns: The Healing of a Soul, and I must get my hands on it! She had disturbing memories of being Marilyn and sought a psychiatrist who is sure she is in fact Marilyn reborn! There is even a documentary on it! Now she is more famous for this than any of her music. Spooky, non?

Here is the BBC documentary (and there are many more features about this on Youtube)

Download Only You

Only You
You're A Man
All You Gotta Do
First Time
Don't Tell Me
Beautiful In Every Way
If I Love You (All Night Long)

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