Sunday, March 9, 2008

A'me Lorain & The Family Affair - Starring In...Standing In A Monkey Sea (1990)

The last artist I am going to feature (for now) who also has an entry on Milk Carton Pop Stars is A'me Lorain. When compared to the other artists I've featured so far, A'me could be considered a great success. She had a top ten hit in North America, "Whole Wide World", which was featured in the film True Love. The fantastic pop tune, produced by one of my aforementioned fave pop producers Elliot Wolff, was an instant hit and stayed on the chart for some time. She released a second single, another pop gem also produced by Wolff, "Follow My Heartbeat", but it fizzled. And the album that also followed didn't fare any better. It isn't a surprise, however, as the rest of the album was nothing like those two singles. Instead, it is an attempt at pop-soul and funk, with echoes of groups like Sly & The Family Stone. The song titles and album cover suggest A'me, and her backing band 'Family Affair', were attempting a '70s old school psychedelic vibe. While it is achieved, and the album is a fun listen, it obviously did not appeal to a mass audience hungry for more pure pop treats from A'me, and she quickly disappeared. More on her career and whereabouts on Milk Carton Pop Stars.

UPDATE: Thanks to a tip from Sandyjo, I'm happy to announce that A'me is back making music and has released two singles in 2015, "'Till You See" and "Your Ghost".  Check them out at CD Baby.

First video for Whole Wide World

Second video for Whole Wide World

Download Starring In...Standing In A Monkey Sea

Time You Take
Letter 'C' Card
Heaven Above
Change To
Whole Wide World
Grey 19
Bit By Bit
Time & Time Again
Unique Blue Tube
Follow My Heartbeat


  1. Hi, You find the most AMAZING obscure artists! Thank you for keeping the links updated! I had this song stuck in my head and wondered what happened to her-- I thought Family Stand was the same group that produced Paula Abdul- Promise of a new day? And I disagree, Milk Carton and this blog should be linked up! Thanks again!

  2. thank you!!! Ive been searching for it!

  3. Can you re-up this too ... please .
    Thanks :)

  4. A'me has new music out just this year 2015. Check out Till you see and Your Ghost on iTunes. A little pop with a little alternative, you won't be disappointed . You go girl!!!

  5. Hate to be a pain, any chance of reupping it again? ("File expired")

  6. 'letter c card ' is so funky it could be prince. this cd was too clever for it's own good. should have stayed with debbie gibson/tiffany simple pop songs.6/10.

  7. Been looking for this everywhere. Thank you!!!

  8. She also appeared on Dust by DJ Muggs the song "I know" was dope!
