Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A.N.G. - Outta Bounds (1994)

So I thought I'd post a quick one this time as I have a little time and don't want to keep ya'll waiting for something new for too long. This is the only album by A.N.G., which stands for "Aint No Gains". There is so little info in the CD booklet to determine anything about this artist. It appears A.N.G. was a solo female rapper (she calls herself 'Angie ANG' on some tracks), and from the obscured image in the booklet I can't determine her exact race. It was released on the indie label Wall Street Records, which was based in Detroit (and is still based in Michigan), so I assume that's where A.N.G. is from as well. Given the cover with A.N.G. surrounded by a gang on a dark city street, you'd assume this album was gangsta rap, but not at all. (Likely the obscured and misleading album art didn't help the album's success.) It's totally pop-rap, reminiscent of Monie Love or The Real Roxanne's first album. There is even hip-house and the song "I Got What It Takes" samples the Mary Jane Girls classic "In My House". The tracks "Hello Baby" and "Rufless Hoe" were released as singles, but I think it's safe to say they failed to hit anywhere, except maybe locally. And that's all I have on A.N.G.. If anyone else knows anything, please do let us know. For now, enjoy the album, which I admit I only listened to once before, eons ago when I first bought it from a $1 bin - listening to it again, it is actually much better and a lot more fun than I remember.

UPDATE:  A.N.G. herself, real name Angie Gallizzi,  just wrote and gave us a full rundown of her career!  Amazing!  Glad you checked back, Angie, as I wouldn't want you thinking you were being dissed here! LOL I suspected that your image was obscured due to race issues, which is an unfortunate circumstance, as it seems to have gotten easier for "white" rappers.  Your story is an amazing one that many will appreciate here as I'm sure it's similar to several other artists featured here.  Well, at least here your legacy lives on!  Thanks again for filling us in!  Much appreciated.  Everyone who wishes to, contact her Facebook page. So, with no further ado, here is Angie's story (it seems you had to write it twice - sorry, not sure why it didn't work the first time, but since you added a few different pieces of info I'm going to quote both messages. ;):

"I was born and raised in Southwest Detroit. My name is Angelica. I am actually Italian (it was intentional that you could not tell my nationality/race). I stumbled upon the opportunity to rap in 1992 due to auditions through Wall Street Records. By signing with all three Wall Street entites (Records, Production, Management), they had total control over my career. I was made an offer by a major label, but (unfortunately and fatally) Wall Street declinded on my behalf, so here I sit, amongst the 'Isle of Deserted Pop Stars.' LOL. With the proper guidence, I know I could have made it, since my lyrics were versatile (lyrics you won't find on this album!) and my voice could not allow you to guess much about how I looked. I was not allowed to rap how/what I wanted to (my lyrics were extremely street, with a somewhat comical twist), because they (Wall Street) wanted me to be commercial. I actually blew up on Indiana (Southbend area) and did okay amongst D.J.s in Eurpoe. I did some good shows and opened up for Marky Mark, 95 South, and Compton's Most Wanted, and MC Breed (from Flint, Michigan) quite a few times. I would rap offstage for a few minutes to get the crowd into it before I let them know what I looked like; walking out in the early-90s, pale as I was, could turn the crowd completely off. My one and only video for London Bridge still resides on various video networks ( Kurtis Blow produced a few cuts on the album. 'Hello Baby' was actually partially remade from Kurtis Blow's 'Good to Go.' I remember him specifically telling me that I was a great writer, an awesome rapper, and that I would never make it (for various reasons). I'm guessing he was right! LOL. Hope this helps and thanks for giving me props. I am actually a pretty good (albeit washed-up) rapper and one of the few who can actually still 'freestyle' the way 'freestyling' was meant to be defined. Anybody with questions can holla at me: Angie Gallizzi (Facebook). PEACE!

My name is Angelica. I am Italian, born and raised in Detroit. I was signed with Wall Street Records, Production, and Management in the early-1990s. It is intentional that you cannot tell what my nationality/race is. I opened for the likes of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, 95 South, and Compton's Most Wanted, as well as MC Breed out of Flint, Michigan (he opened for me once). I used to rap off stage for a few minutes to get the crowd into the show. In the early-1990s it could prove to be quite a bad move to just walk out on stage, as pale as I was. I blew up in Indiana...Southbend area mostly, and did okay in Europe, so I hear. Kurtis Blow was a producer on a few tracks. "Hello Baby" is actually somewhat of a remake of his B-side "Good to Go" (we used the lick on that one)--I completely rewrote the verses. He (Kurt) pulled me to the side and told me that I was a great writer, and awesome rapper, and that I would never make it. He was well aware of my contractual obligation/situation (I signed my life away to Wall Street), and he proved to be right when (unbeknownst to me) a MAJOR label from NYC offered me a deal, which was turned down by my management. Wall Street released my album, but put a lot of money into a group in Atlanta, which proved to be fatal, since that group refused to interview on white radio stations or do certain shows (meanwhile, I grabbed at any exposure I could get). Once Wall Street started to sink, my project was deserted. Hence, I forever reside on the "Isle of Deserted Pop Stars." LOL. For the record, I had songs with amazing lyrics, very street, with a comical twist (you will not find any of this on my album), but was not allowed to rap what/how I wanted to, since Wall Street wanted me to be commercial. And, there you have it! Any other questions, I would be glad to answer here or on Facebook...Angie Gallizzi. If you search that name and come up with 'Whodadaddy Datchocolatedbaby' and see a pale neck with a Detroit 'D' on it, then you have found the right Angie! PEACE!"  

Download Outta Bounds

Outta Bounds / That Played Out Trip
Havin A Baby
Life Goes On
Political Trippin Intro
Political Trippin
Outta Bounds / Keep Em Rollin
I Got What It Takes
Outta Bounds / Turn Up Da Bass Base
Jack Jam
Rufless Hoe
Outta Bounds / Do You Lof Me
London Bridge
Hello Baby


  1. I actually AM A.N.G. Thanks for the mediocre review!!!!

    1. Girl, it wasn't mediocre! I said it much better and a lot more fun than I remembered, since I had only listened to it once before. I love it! Perhaps the review was mediocre in regards to the packaging and marketing though. ;) Trust me, it wouldn't be here if it wasn't liked, and this blog isn't so much about reviews as it is info anyway. :) Speaking of which, could you give us some on yourself so we know your story? We would be honoured.

    2. I was born and raised in Southwest Detroit. My name is Angelica. I am actually Italian (it was intentional that you could not tell my nationality/race). I stumbled upon the opportunity to rap in 1992 due to auditions through Wall Street Records. By signing with all three Wall Street entites (Records, Production, Management), they had total control over my career. I was made an offer by a major label, but (unfortunately and fatally) Wall Street declinded on my behalf, so here I sit, amongst the 'Isle of Deserted Pop Stars.' LOL. With the proper guidence, I know I could have made it, since my lyrics were versatile (lyrics you won't find on this album!) and my voice could not allow you to guess much about how I looked. I was not allowed to rap how/what I wanted to (my lyrics were extremely street, with a somewhat comical twist), because they (Wall Street) wanted me to be commercial. I actually blew up on Indiana (Southbend area) and did okay amongst D.J.s in Eurpoe. I did some good shows and opened up for Marky Mark, 95 South, and Compton's Most Wanted, and MC Breed (from Flint, Michigan) quite a few times. I would rap offstage for a few minutes to get the crowd into it before I let them know what I looked like; walking out in the early-90s, pale as I was, could turn the crowd completely off. My one and only video for London Bridge still resides on various video networks ( Kurtis Blow produced a few cuts on the album. 'Hello Baby' was actually partially remade from Kurtis Blow's 'Good to Go.' I remember him specifically telling me that I was a great writer, an awesome rapper, and that I would never make it (for various reasons). I'm guessing he was right! LOL. Hope this helps and thanks for giving me props. I am actually a pretty good (albeit washed-up) rapper and one of the few who can actually still 'freestyle' the way 'freestyling' was meant to be defined. Anybody with questions can holla at me: Angie Gallizzi (Facebook). PEACE!

  2. My name is Angelica. I am Italian, born and raised in Detroit. I was signed with Wall Street Records, Production, and Management in the early-1990s. It is intentional that you cannot tell what my nationality/race is. I opened for the likes of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, 95 South, and Compton's Most Wanted, as well as MC Breed out of Flint, Michigan (he opened for me once). I used to rap off stage for a few minutes to get the crowd into the show. In the early-1990s it could prove to be quite a bad move to just walk out on stage, as pale as I was. I blew up in Indiana...Southbend area mostly, and did okay in Europe, so I hear. Kurtis Blow was a producer on a few tracks. "Hello Baby" is actually somewhat of a remake of his B-side "Good to Go" (we used the lick on that one)--I completely rewrote the verses. He (Kurt) pulled me to the side and told me that I was a great writer, and awesome rapper, and that I would never make it. He was well aware of my contractual obligation/situation (I signed my life away to Wall Street), and he proved to be right when (unbeknownst to me) a MAJOR label from NYC offered me a deal, which was turned down by my management. Wall Street released my album, but put a lot of money into a group in Atlanta, which proved to be fatal, since that group refused to interview on white radio stations or do certain shows (meanwhile, I grabbed at any exposure I could get). Once Wall Street started to sink, my project was deserted. Hence, I forever reside on the "Isle of Deserted Pop Stars." LOL. For the record, I had songs with amazing lyrics, very street, with a comical twist (you will not find any of this on my album), but was not allowed to rap what/how I wanted to, since Wall Street wanted me to be commercial. And, there you have it! Any other questions, I would be glad to answer here or on Facebook...Angie Gallizzi. If you search that name and come up with 'Whodadaddy Datchocolatedbaby' and see a pale neck with a Detroit 'D' on it, then you have found the right Angie! PEACE!

    1. AMAZING! Thanks SO much! I've added your comments in the main post for all to see. :)
